tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 13 03:24:48 1998

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Re: how do you learn voc?

Qov wrote:

>This isn't a bad way to go.  Use Klingon grammar and English words to
>talk to yourself.  Slowly you substitute in more and more Klingon
>words until you are really speaking Klingon.
Hey, you're right! My "talking-to-myself-in-Klingon" has indeed improved
since I started doing that..

>I have a reputation for having learned the vocabulary very quickly. 
>Here's what helped:
I learn vocabulary - of any language - very quickly too. But TKD has more
than 1000 words, and it's difficult to learn them all at once. You don't
know where to begin. When someone tells me "Hey, did you know that the
Klingon word for abc is xyz..." then I'll probably never forget it. (Just
like last year when I was on the list: I'll never forget the meaing of vegh)

>1. I had a first printing, first edition TKD and didn't want to get it
>all thumbed up.  So I only opened it when I *really* couldn't remember.
My TKD is falling apart... :-)

>2. I read the list at work and kept my dictionary at home.  At first I
I cannot read the list at work, I'm still going to school.

>3. I labelled everything in my home in Klingon.  This technique is
>4. I spent so many hours on the MUSE that my keyboard wore out.
>I also used flashcards, set goals, talked to myself, wrote stories and
Just a personal question: How old were you when you started learning Klingon?

>> But can you walk around with a word list that you 
>> printed yourself?
>ghunchu'wI' has a teeny tiny one.
I think I'll make one also.


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