tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jul 12 10:46:33 1998

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Re: how do you learn voc?

mujang ghunchu'wI':

>>DuSaQDaq mu'mey vI*look-up*laHbe' (this is a better example how it goes :-)
>>I cannot walk around with TKD and KGT et alt.
>But can you walk around with a word list that you printed yourself?

>Come to the MUSH (telnet:// and try practicing there.
I've been thinking on doing that. But 
wa') I don't know how to use it
cha') My actual online connection is way too expensive to be online so long
wej) I don't have much time anyway

>>Hopqu' qep'a'! *Germany* vIDabtaH, 'ej lengvaD Huch vIghajbe'.
>So host a qepHom! You know there are many people in Germany who study
>Klingon. I'm sure you'd be able to find some who would attend.
I know several who would! Can you give me tips how to do it (off-list
Khemorex Klinzhai has its annual meeting (Qet'lop) in october, so that
would be a good occasion.

>>I am planning to come to the tenth qep'a'.
>pa' qaleghbej.
It would be an honor to meet you.

>-- ghunchu'wI'

Qapla' quv je ____
_____ Quvar muHwI'

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