tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jul 12 22:54:22 1998

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Re: Comic

ja' "Chris Lipscombe" <[email protected]>:
>Can anyone suggest a word of Comic?

"Comic" is an adjective meaning funny: {tlhaQ}.

>As in the picture kind you get in big books that tell stories and not the
>kind which stands up and tells jokes. ;)

Ah, you want to talk about a book that tells stories with pictures.
How about {lut cha'bogh paq}?

>i.e.. what could I say for comic book... Something paq...

A "comic book" is a book of "comic strips".  A "comic strip" is a
series of narrative cartoons.  That sounds like a story which is
displayed as pictures.  Yes, {lut cha'bogh paq} works for me.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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