tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 10 15:57:51 1998

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Transcribing movie soundtracks

: > <...> yI<chu'>qa'!
: > (???) ST3
: > [I couldn't catch the verb, but {'} were clear.  Kruge's bridge
: > crewman pushes a button and the lights come back on.]
: > Voragh
: I'm relatively certain that is {So'wI' yIchu'Ha'}. He does 
: pronounce the {H} very harshly, so I could see it being 
: interpreted as {q}, but to my ear, it is still {H}. 

That's what I thought at first, {So'wI' yIchu'Ha'}.  But, if you watch the
scene again, you'll see that Kruge has *already* given that command:

   (POV: the bridge of the Merchantman)

     Valkris: qa'vam De' vIje' rIntaH.
               (I have purchased the Genesis data.)
     Valkris: HablI', Su': labbeH.
               (Ready to transmit.)
     Kruge:   So'wI' yIchu'Ha'!
               (Disengage cloaking device!)

   (POV: the bridge of Kruge's ship)

     Kruge:   <...> yI<chu'>qa'!                                     (?)
               (no subtitle)
	      [bridge crewman pushes button and the lights come back on]
     Kruge:   De' yIlI' ... DaH!
	       (Transmit data. Now!)

   (POV: the bridge of the Merchantman)

     Valkris: jabbI'ID pItlh. Qu'vaD lI' net tu'bej.
               (Transmission completed. You will find it useful.) 

It's possible that we're just hearing the same line {So'wI' yIchu'Ha'}
twice, the second time from Kruge's point of view (POV).  They didn't repeat
any of the English lines in the movie, but they may not have been as careful
WRT the Klingon, which the director and film editor couldn't understand
anyway.  You'll notice they didn't add a subtitle to this, so the editor
probably considered it a part of the background & sound effects.

: Understanding the movie soundtracks is a real challenge. I know 
: I have made mistakes interpreting things. I still have no clue 
: what the officer was saying when he spread out the map (or 
: whatever paper it was) on the desk in ST6. It sounded like 
: somethingwaWAwawa...
: charghwI'

Well, here's my working version of that scene:

   (War council on Kronos One after Gorkon's assassination)

     Kerla:   DIHIvlaHtaHvIS DaH DIHIvnIS
	       (Attack them now, while we still can!)
     Khmarr:  DIHIvbej [pagh] qo'chajDaq toy'wI''a' DImoj              (sic)
               (Attack or be slaves in their world.)
     Grokh:   QaplaH <pla'> pe'vIl <Qapla' ghobe' laH'a'>               (??)
               (We can take whole by force, what they propose to divide.)
     Azetbur: ghu'maj Dayajbe'law' Sa'
	       (not subtitled)
  	       {You don't seem to grasp our situation, General.} (novel)
     Azetbur: notlh veS 'a toH manotlhchoH <chenmoH>                    (??)
	       (War is obsolete, we are in danger of becoming.)
     	       {War is...obsolete. As we are in danger of becoming.} (novel)
     Kerla:   QamvIS Hegh qaq law' torvIS yIn qaq puS
	       (Better to die on our feet than live on our knees.)
     Azetbur: 'e' neHbe' vavwI' 
	       (That wasn't what my father wanted.)

Since we'll never see copies of the shooting scripts, we may never know.

Voragh                          "Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons    lis est."        - Horace, Ars Poetica

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