tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 07 01:59:54 1998

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Re: how do you learn voc?

ghItlh DloraH:

>When at work (or school) and home, look around and try to name things.  when
>somebody says something, or after you say something, think about what it
Yes, "think". But the words, I can't look them up. Sometimes I stand there
and I think like {*door* vI*open*meH nuq vI*use*nIS} (this is just an example)

>would have been in klingon.  After a while (weeks, not minutes) you will get
>tired of looking up words and your brain will give in and remember the words.
DuSaQDaq mu'mey vI*look-up*laHbe' (this is a better example how it goes :-)
I cannot walk around with TKD and KGT et alt.

>The best way is to find a friend that doesn't think you're crazy for
ghobe'. Do'Ha' tlhIngan Hol ghojqangbogh ghot vISovbe'. I don't know anyone
to practise with.

>If you can attend the qep'a' definitely do so.  Those few days will help
>more than you think.
Hopqu' qep'a'! *Germany* vIDabtaH, 'ej lengvaD Huch vIghajbe'.
chaq qep'a' wa'maHDIch vISuch.
I am planning to come to the tenth qep'a'.


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