tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 06 11:16:08 1998

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RE: how do you learn voc?

> Greetings.
> chay' tlhIngan Hol mu'mey boghoj tlhIH?
>     How do You  learn Klingon words?
> tlhIngan mu'tay' ghojmeH chay' Suruch?
>     To learn the Klingon vocabulary, how do You proceed?
> tlhIngan mu'mey ghojmeH nuq mIw bolo'?
>     To learn Klingon words, what procedure do You use?
> pab vISovbej 'ach mu'mey law' vISovbe'
>     I (almost) know the grammar, but I don't know many words.
> Just looking to find a good way to learn Klingon...

Well, I started by building a comprehensive word list.  Typed it in by hand
from all known sources (and then of course I had to keep it up-to-date as
new sources came out!).  I have also made little paper flashcards for
myself, which I carry around and practice with whenever I can (not the whole
set, just a hundred or so at a time).  I have vocabulary sheets that I run
down every now and then; it's a little like going through TKD one page at a
time, but it's more comprehensive than TKD is.  And then, sometimes I use
the flashcard utility that's built into /pojwI'/, which is nice because it
pulls words out at random (I'm not quite willing to completely randomize my
flashcards!).  I also have the word list in my PDA, which I almost always
have with me, which I can practice with if I find myself waiting somewhere
for something.

Of course, nothing beats using the language on a daily basis.  I read, I
write, I think, I speak Klingon each and every day.  (For those of you who
will be at the /qep'a'/, there's "Klingon Story Telling" scheduled for one
afternoon.  That event features me reading a chapter from a story I've been
working on for some time.  jabbI'IDghomvaD QInmey vIngeHbe'taHvIS, lutwIj
vIqonlI'.   lutwIj vIlaDpu'DI' lupollaH jeSwI'pu'.)

> muHwI'


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