tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 03 23:26:00 1998

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Re: KLBC: ngotlhwI' ghom

ja' Qov:
>loQ 'IQ ghu'.  bong vIbuQlaw'.  juppu' maH 'ach maSuvchuq je.
>vISuvbe' 'e' vInID, 'ach jIpupbe'.

yIpIch'eghQo'!  qu' qa'raj.  Do'Ha' bong ghaH mawlu'meH ngeDlaw'.
latlh vIjatlhqangpbe'.

> In Klingon there is not a
>distinction between the words for "win" and "succeed."  chaq ngeb
>DIvI' Hol pImlaw'ghach.

rapbej qechmey.  Well, "succeed" isn't transitive, but that's trivial.

>chaq QapmeH charghnIS.

ghobe'.  ngoQ SIchnIS neH.  latlh charghnISbe'.

>QapmeH wa', pumnIS'a' latlh?  teHbe' 'e' vItul, 'ach tobbe' qun.

yIHarQo'.  teHbe'qu'bej.  QapmeH yeqlaH cha' vaj Qap cha'.
Qochchugh cha' ghot, chaq lugh wa'. chaq muj pagh.  'ach
muj wa' 'e' tobchugh latlh, lujpu'be' mujwI'.  vIt ghojmo',
Qap je ghaH.

reHrupbe'chugh wa' reHchu'taHvIS latlh, qay'laHbej ghu'.  'ach
qejnISbe' reHbe'wI'.

lujwI' QuchmoHnISbe' QapwI'.  QuchQo'chugh vay', QaHlaH pagh.

>> 'ebmo'
>> chonobpu'bogh qatlho'. (Can I put suffixes on the > head noun like
>It's not very understandable.  We have one disputed canon example,
>{meQbogh qachDaq ...} but it puts the type-5 on the subject noun,
>which makes it a little easier to read.

We also have a slightly more obscure canon example, from the Skybox
DS9 1993 Series, card 99:  {qIb HeHDaq, 'u' SepmeyDaq Suvbe'lu'bogh
lenglu'meH He ghoSlu'bogh retlhDaq 'oHtaH.}  The relevant part is the
{'u' SepmeyDaq Sovbe'lu'bogh} "unknown regions of the universe" used
as the locative of {lenglu'meH He ghoSlu'bogh} "path which is followed
in order for one to travel".  It can be diagrammed and analyzed, but I
sure can't understand it at a glance. :-)

-- ghunchu'wI'

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