tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 01 13:27:29 1998

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Re: KLBC: I see us

Am/Um 12:13 01.07.98 -0700 schrieben Sie:

>Grunt.  I guess you weren't here for the last two rounds of this one,
nope I wasn't.

>jIlegh'egh 'ej qalegh
>jIlegh'egh 'ej Salegh
I bet I'd best write that on the front window of my car, if I had one. :-)

>depending on whether "us" is two or more people.
of course.

>It's apparently not a common enough situation for the language to have
>evolved a prefix for it. A Klingon might just as well ask.  "How do
>you distinguish between Salegh and qalegh in the standard English
>dialect?  They both seem to be the same."  You use the forms you have
>and add extra words of explanation.  
>You must have encountered a few situations where something that is
>straightforward in German is a mess in English.
In German there is a distinginction between "you" for friends & relatives
and  "you" for strangers & superiors. If an English speaking says "You can
say Robyn to me" a German would say "You can say 'Du' to me"
(French: vous/toi ; Dutch: U/jij ; German: Sie/du ; English: you/you ;
Klingon: SoH/SoH)


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