tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 01 11:45:29 1998

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Re: KLBC: I see us

---Quvar muHwI' <[email protected]> wrote:
> {jIlegh} "I see"
> {jIlegh'egh} "I see me"
> {maleghchuq} "we see us each other"
> How do I say "I see us"?
> (In the sens of "I see us in a mirror")

Grunt.  I guess you weren't here for the last two rounds of this one,
muHwI'.  You say:

jIlegh'egh 'ej qalegh


jIlegh'egh 'ej Salegh

depending on whether "us" is two or more people.

Or simply:
naDev bIQamchugh juleghlaH.

It's apparently not a common enough situation for the language to have
evolved a prefix for it. A Klingon might just as well ask.  "How do
you distinguish between Salegh and qalegh in the standard English
dialect?  They both seem to be the same."  You use the forms you have
and add extra words of explanation.  

You must have encountered a few situations where something that is
straightforward in German is a mess in English.

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