tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 01 13:27:25 1998

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Re: -Curses

Am/Um 11:48 01.07.98 -0700 schrieben Sie:

>We don't know for sure.  It seems reasonable, but because it is never
>incorrect to use a singular noun where a plural meaning is intended,
>you can play it safe and say {toDSaH chaH}.  "They are todsakhs."
Let's push Marc Okrand to make a book on curses only :-)

>Meanwhile, jatlh Qov loDnal:
>"There should be complex grammatical rules in cursing.  It should be
>more complex than ordinary speech, becase Klingon cursing is an art
Dajqu' loDnallI' vuD

>tlhIngan Hol jatlhbe' ghaH, 'ach vuD ghajbej.
And then he comes up with things like "the picture of the ship in which I
fled is on the glass table", qar'a' :-)


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