tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 24 07:46:29 1998

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Re: KLBC Am I doing this right yet??

 >We have this very phrase in TKW: <qun qon charghwI'pu''e'>. The lack of the
 ><lu-> prefix is interesting. In KGT, Okrand says it is a common error,
 >especially in non-formal speech.
: It is also possible that the Klingon saying might be more accurately
: translated as "Histories are written by the victors."  {qun} might be
: plural.

1)  {qun} might also be a type of mass noun - like {muD} "air" or {bIQ}
- or a vague, abstract "concept" - like {paQDI'norgh} "teachings", {quH}
"heritage" or {batlh} "honor".  As such, they might well not have plural forms
or are not even viewed in the light of the singular/plural distinction.  Thus
*{qunmey} might be illegal.  Which may mean that Klingons are undecided as to
which set of verb prefixes to use with them: those with plural or singular
objects.  Interestingly, {lurDech} "tradition" can be used in the plural:

 qorDu' lurDechmeyna' pab tlhInganpu' 
 With strong [Klingon] family traditions...  (S13)

2)  IRL Okrand may well have originally written {qun qon charghwI''e'}
is written by the victor" - which is, after all, the same idea - but
about our own, former BG {charghwI'} at the last minute.  Not wanting to say
"It is charghwI' who writes history", he made it plural, forgetting to emend
{qon} at the same time.  Voila!  Omitting {lu-} becomes a "common error"!

3)  BTW, nice use of {qon} by Okrand:  to Klingons, history is creatively
composed like songs or literature, not compiled {gher} like a list or log

Voragh                            "Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons      lis est."         Horace (Ars Poetica)

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