tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 16 22:30:38 1998

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RE: KLBC:Returning and Welcoming

lab Ian Wilkinson:

> How would you say "I am returning", how can this be changed so it is
> someone else returning, and how do you do past tense , ie "I have
> returned", or "they have returned", or in the future.
> Also how would you say "welcome to <somewhere>"

> My attempt below...

A couple of very general comments: the letter <H> by itself is always
capitalized, but as part of a <ch>, <gh>, or <tlh> combination, it is always
written lower case. The 0 in the prefix table for some of the third person
prefixes is meant to be a null prefix - nothing at all - and not a literal o
or zero.

> jIcHegH (I return)
> OcHegH (they return)
> jIcHegHrup (I am going to return)

I am ready to return. If you meant something like "I'm all set to go", this
is fine.

> OcHegHlI' (they are returning)

maj. If you want to be literal to the extreme, it's "They are in the process
of returning".

> jIcHegHQo' (I won't return)

If you mean to *refuse* to return, this is perfect. If you mean to simply
state as a fact that you will not return, implying nothing at all about your
intentions, then <jIchegh> is correct. The ambiguity in this case is in the
English "will" - the Klingon is quite clear in either case.

> jIcHegHjIj (I may return)

The suffix is <-jaj>, and it's not quite that kind of "may". It's meant to
be used in phrases like "May your blood scream".

> jIcHegHDI' qIt (I will return as soon as is possible)

Not quite. You've said "When I return, it (goodness only knows what "it" is)
will be possible. "As soon as possible" is a rather convoluted phrase, and
one I would reccommend avoiding when translating. Here's what I suggest:
<jIcheghlaHDI' jIchegh> - "I will return when I can."

> I could find no word for welcome. I would think (Oh stand back
> he's thinking again) that it would be somthing like Honor (glory)
> to you here in <somewhere>.

"Welcome" is a polite Terran greeting. Klingon does not have polite

> naDevmo' qaquv
> (Ooooh that can't be right)

I'm not quite sure what to do with this.

> I have ordered TKD but all but one shop say it is out of print, and
> they can not get it. My copy should arrive before Easter and that
> is as close as they can get. So I have no idea on word ordering or
> anything like that, just suffixes etc and the words.

I don't know about shipping costs or times to the UK, but the KLI can
certainly get you a copy well before that, as can (most likely)

> Thankyou for your time and for putting up with my strange requests.

taghwI' vIboQqangtaH

Beginners' Grammarian

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