tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 16 14:18:20 1998

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KLBC:Returning and Welcoming

How would you say "I am returning", how can this be changed so it is
someone else returning, and how do you do past tense , ie "I have
returned", or "they have returned", or in the future.
Also how would you say "welcome to <somewhere>"

My attempt below...

jIcHegH 	(I return)
OcHegH 	(they return)
jIcHegHrup  	(I am going to return)
OcHegHlI'	(they are returning)
jIcHegHQo'	(I won't return)
jIcHegHjIj	(I may return)
jIcHegHDI'  qIt	(I will return as soon as is possible)

I could find no word for welcome.  I would think (Oh stand back he's
thinking again) that it would be somthing like Honor (glory) to you here in

naDevmo' qaquv

(Ooooh that can't be right)

I have ordered TKD but all but one shop say it is out of print, and they
can not get it.  My copy should arrive before Easter and that is as close
as they can get.  So I have no idea on word ordering or
anything like that, just suffixes etc and the words.  

Thankyou for your time and for putting up with my strange requests.

Ian Wilkinson

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