tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 16 21:19:21 1998

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RE: KLBC:taghwI'

>> *Doug* 'oh pongwIj'e'.  
>Don't forget to capitalize those <H>'s.

Arg!  I am trying, I can succeed!
vInIDtaH, je jIQaplaH!

>> tlhIngan pong vIwIvbe'.
>> tlhIngan Hol mu'ghom vIje'be', 

>I think this is a good place for <wej>. You intend to choose a name and buy
>a dictionary, but you haven't done it yet.

Ah-ha!  I saw that in another post.
ngeH vay' 'e' vIleghta'.

>> 'a *Christmas* tetlh vIghItlhta'. {{:-)
>qaSDI' *Christmas* bIDo'jaj!

If I don't get it, I will buy it (am willing to buy it).
tlhIngan Hol mu'ghom vISuqchugh, vIje'qang.

>> cha' wotmey ghaj *sentances* ngeDbe'.
>bIlughlaw'. You didn't get this one quite right. You really can't have a
>sentence with two *main* verbs - the extras have to be in clauses or acting
>like adjectives. That makes things easier.

Isn't that what the sentence was trying to say?  :-)
jatlhta' mu'tlhegh nID'a'?
(I'm not sure on that one...I gave it a shot anyway.)

>Your sentence is "Sentences which have two verbs are difficult." The subject
>is "Sentences which have two verbs". This is a perfect place for a <-bogh>
>clause: <cha' wotmey ghajbogh mu'tlheghmey>. If you want to make sure
>everyone knows you are talking about sentences which have to verbs, and not
>the verbs had by the sentences, add the suffix <-'e'> to the "head noun" of
>the clause. The rest of the sentence is simple - the verb is <Qatlh>, and
>the subject is the clause we just came up with.
>Qatlh cha' wotmey ghajbogh mu'tlheghmey'e'.

Let me try a sentence with three verbs.
wej wotmey ghajbogh mu'tlhegh vInID tuchaw'.
                                   ^   ^
        I'm comfortable up to here |   |
But I'm not sure if I should tack this guy on the end

>> Qagh'a' DaSam?
>You also need to put the interrogative suffix <-'a'> on <Sam>. It's spelled
>the same as the noun suffix, but has a completely different meaning.

Qaghmey DaSam!

>> How do I convey the meaning "2 or more"?
>Just use a plural. <pu'mey> - "phasers" (more than one).

The problem I am running into is something like:
wotmey ghaj mu'tlheghmey

This is, if I'm not mistaken, "sentences with verbs" (well, "the sentances
possess verbs").  Unfortunately, I think this COULD be many sentences each
with one verb.  What I want to say is "sentences with many verbs", or
"sentences with 2 or more verbs".

>Good first message. Keep it up :-)

This was actually my second, but I'm sufficiently a newbie (taghwI'?) that it
shouldn't matter.  ;-)

I hope you guys don't mind these dumb errors...but I am guessing that I can
learn by doing (and by mistakes).  :-)

>Beginners' Grammarian
Doug Baumeister                          "Simon was a fool to eject now!"
[email protected]             "You mean?"        "Yes...premature ejection."

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