tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 14 14:49:54 1998

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Re: FAQ question and proper names

I wrote just a few minutes ago:

>To write one's Terran name phonetically using Okrand's orthography for 
>tlhIngan Hol or from one writing system to another, such as English language 
>Roman script to Russian Cyrillic or to Japanese katakana or hiragana - or

>Okrand's own Roman-based Federation orthography to the native Klingon
>pIqaD - is called "transcribing".  This is what it seems you're trying to do 
>by rendering "Erik" as {eriQ'}.

Actually, this is transliteration - to bring the letters across from one
writing system to another - not transciption, which is what court reporters
do.  Some of us have transcribed the two Klingon audiotapes and all the
dialog in the Star Trek movies (and a few TV episodes), with varying
degrees of

Sorry for the confusion.  I really should read my own posts before hitting the
"send" button!

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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