tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 14 11:04:07 1998

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Re: FAQ question and proper names

>The list server autoreponse mentioned a FAQ can be located at
> however this page has been
>moved, and the new site listed does not seem to exist. My question is: does
>this FAQ exist in another location? I would like to read it through before
>posting any more questions.
>Also, I posted a question about proper nouns (names) to a Klingon
>newsgroup, and was kindly answered by Kronos (thanks) that common names,
>such as Erik, be translated literally into Klingon (eriQ'). I am also
>noticing other's Klingon names, and that they seem to actually "mean"
>something. Is there a process that is followed to develop a Klingon name,
>or are most of them really just phonic (if that's the right word)
>translations of the spelling.

eriQ'  doesn't follow ta' Hol, what is considered "proper" klingon;
But many people don't hold names to the rules.  
(Even my own isn't proper klingon)
Your name can be what ever YOU want it to be.
This is covered in the FAQ (if you find it).
If you want to keep the sound of your name (in ta' Hol) you could try:

And I'm sure other people will suggest other versions as well.


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