tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 11 15:36:29 1998

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Re: Klingon Bird of Prey (KBP) poster: THE TEXT!

>> choH lISbogh Hap'e': cha'pujqut
>> Reaction Moderating Element - Crystalline Dilithium
:  No. That's a relative clause and he wanted to make sure you saw 
:  it as "matter which adjusts change" and not "change that is 
:  adjusted by matter". 
: Just pointing out choices of words.  {choH} means "change, alter"; {lIS}
: "adjust."  So as not to confuse beginners.....
: Meanwhile, we already have {woj} for "reaction," in a sense of meaning. 
: MO did not use it here.

Again, so as not to confuse beginners... {woj} means "radiation" NOT
"reaction".  SkyBox S19 uses it in discussing the Klingon communicator

  janmey ngo' lulo'lu'DI' pIj jabbI'ID nISpu' woj
  Older models were susceptible to radiation.

We also have {woj choHwI'} "reactor", or the "thing which alters radiation"
(Okrand's explanation).  For both of these see the TKD Addendum and HolQeD

So Okrand's use of the noun {choH} "change" - not to be confused with the
homophonous verb {choH} "change, alter" or the Type 3 verb suffix {-choH}
"change in state/direction" - is a good one to translate the idea of the
nuclear or antimatter "reaction" itself, as opposed to the reactor (woj
choHwI') or dilithium chamber (cha'puj pa') where the reaction occurs.

Voragh                            "Grammatici certant et adhuc sub judice
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons      lis est."         Horace (Ars Poetica)

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