tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 01 11:43:01 1998

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jabbI'IDwIj chovghachlIjmo' qatlho'. 

You brought up an interesting question...if chegh is used solely to refer to
returning "to a place", how *would* one  refer to returning a salute, or a
phone call, or something similar?  I suppose one could say that a salute was
given, and that this was the reason I saluted...but it seems rather ...bulky.
If the salute was given in response to a military salute, I suppose the
closest thing would be to say that I "acknowledge" his salute, but somehow
this lends a connotation of a simple nod of the head (not necessarily the
*proper* acknowledgement)...not what I wished to convey. Wait...perhaps that
would be more correct...

vanlIjmo' jIjangchu'. (I reply perfectly because of your salute)

 This of course presupposes that the salute which was returned was not
sloppily executed....

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