tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 29 17:27:53 1998

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ghunchu'wI' ghItlh:

>ja' Edy:
>>Peace is not a gift from God, but a conquer of the Spirit
>>roj nunobbe' joH'a'. qa' chav 'oH'e'
>It's very close.  I suspect some of the problem is with the English rather
>than the Klingon, though. :-)  I'm confused by the word "conquer" here;
>it's a verb where the English requires a noun, and it's nothing like the
>idea I see in the Klingon.  I'll go with the Klingon and you can correct
>me if I got it wrong.

    A friend of mine asked me to translate. I said him that the translation won't be literally as he wish, but very closed. On the other hand it could sound a bit strange. 
    "roj nobbe' joH'a'. roj chav qa'" or "roj nobbe' joH'a'. chav qa'" sounds good also. But I still prefer "roj nobbe' joH'a'. qa' chav 'oH" once {'oH} is refering to {roj} not {joH'a'}. I'm not able to understand  "That avoids the weak and noun-centric phrasing of using {'oH} as a verb." yet. Of course, the more we study the language, the more we see clearer these minutie.

    Sure, I misunderstood the use of 'oH/'oH'e' in the sentence. Sometimes I make some confusion with the pronouns and use them in wrong ways.


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