tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 28 10:07:45 1998

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Re: QoywI' tojbogh SoQ

: But that's just what they were doing: asking him questions.  Interrogating.
: You don't have to be a prisoner to be interrogated.  I don't know how you
: think this list "determined" what {yu'} really means, but if someone asks a
: series of questions and expects to receive the answers, that's {yu'}.  Sure,
: it has a severe feel about it because of the English word, and Klingons may
: also have the severe feel about it (which may explain why the word was
: chosen), but to a Klingon (and it IS their language we're speaking) this
: would hardly be considered uncomfortable.
: SuStel

I agree.  A Klingon would probably use {yu'} for the English "interview" (a
euphemism for "interrogate"), whether by a reporter or a prospective
employer.  {ghel} and {tlhob} (for asking favors) are for simple questions,
like {nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e'?}, {choQaH'a'?}, or {naDevvo' vaS'a'Daq
majaHlaH'a'?}.  If when you arrive at the Great Hall, you proceed to grill
the tour guide for all the technical specs and a detailed history of the
building, then this is {yu'}.  You might also use it for examining or
cross-questioning someone in court, giving them "the third degree", etc.


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