tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 28 08:21:10 1998

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Re: Verb prepositional concepts

From: WestphalWz <[email protected]>

>In a message dated 98-04-25 13:18:02 EDT, Qermaq writes:
><< If anyone has a hankering to use <qIm> transitively, may I recommend a
> wonderful verb made especially  for you? <buS>! For all your transitive
> concentration needs.  >>
>There is a major difference in intensity.  {buS} means "think only about,
>focus on, concentrate on".  {qIm} mean "pay attention".  These two words do
>not mean anywhere near the same thing.  Therefore, I find it preposterous
>both Qermaq and SuStel even suggest that one can replace the other.

If you will more closely examine my most recent messages on this topic, you
will find that I clearly stated that I disagree that {buS} was simply a
transitive version of {qIm}.  I thought I made it entirely clear that I saw
a difference in intensity.

In *some* cases, the two will be interchangable.  In some cases, they will
not be.  Whether or not they are will be dependent on that all-might force
of Context.  English language structure is not the way to construct valid
Klingon sentences.

"I pay attention to the man."

Well, if you mean you're visually keeping track of him, use {loD vIbej}.  If
you mean you're focusing on him and disregarding everything else, use {loD
vIbuS}.  If you mean the man is speaking and you're attending to what he has
to say, use {jatlhlI' loD.  jI'IjlI'.} or {jatlhlI' loD.  jIqImlI'.}  In
such a case you *could* even say {loDvaD jIqIm}, but this is much more

Please watch whom you are calling preposterous.  :)

Stardate 98323.1

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