tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 22 11:27:07 1998

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If you don't know what a qepHom is, see the Klingon Language Institute
qepHom page at /kli/qepHom.phtml for a description.

A little over six weeks ago I put out a call for qepHom hosts in order
to have time to get the information published in HolQeD.  Those of you
who have looked at the KLI's qepHom page on the web or who belong to 
the KLI and receive HolQeD might have noticed that there were four 
people who answered the challenge, in addition to two ongoing study
groups, giving six events listed in the second quarter of 1998. 
That's pretty darn good -- batlh Suqawlu'!

But let's not lose the momentum.  This message is intended as sort of 
a tickler, without a lot of time pressure involved.  We're now halfway
between HolQeD deadlines, and that leaves well over a month for people
to think about it.  But I do expect at least some of you to take up 
the challenge and host a qepHom in August or September.  If you can't 
make it to qep'a' this July, consider holding your own little Klingon 
language get-together in lieu of the "real" event.  And if you're the 
kind of person who has to plan six months in advance, go right ahead 
and make arrangements for October or later!

Of course, if you just can't wait to experience the thrill of having 
people around to talk about -- and *in* -- the warrior's tongue, you 
can plan to have a qepHom even before the next HolQeD comes out.  It
would be nice to have someon host a qepHom in the month of June, for
instance.  The information will still be made available on the qepHom 
page and you'll still be able to call on the resources of the KLI for 
ideas and materials.

So think it over, and then take action!  When you've decided on a time
and place for your qepHom, or if you just have any questions, contact 
me directly <mailto:[email protected]>.

  Alan Anderson, professional programmer and amateur Klingonist
      qepHom Coordinator for the Klingon Language Institute
qo'mey poSmoH Hol -- language opens worlds -- /

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