tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 16 09:07:22 1998

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Re: veS

: mu' QujwI' wrote:
: }          jIpujchugh, vaj jIHoS 'e' yIDa
: }          jIHoSchugh, vaj jIpuj 'e' yIDa
: I understand this use of {Da} as "If I am weak, then act as if I were
: strong," and I don't mind it, but I can't guarantee Klingons would think it
: was right.  We've only seen {Da} mean "act as."  Other than that you have
: two well-formatted and uncontroversial sentences with good prefixes here.
: majQa'.
: Qov     [email protected]

You should also consider {vang} "act, take action" in this context.  Exx:

 bI'IQchugh yIvang 
   If you are sad, act! (TKW)
 batlhHa' vanglu'taHvIS quv chavbe'lu' 
   One does not achieve honor while acting dishonorably. (TKW)
 Qu' buSHa'chugh SuvwI', batlhHa' vangchugh, qoj matlhHa'chugh, pagh ghaH
   If a warrior ignores duty, acts dishonorably, or is disloyal, he is
nothing. (TKW)
 vangDI' tlhIngan SuvwI' ngoy' qorDu'Daj; vangDI' qorDu'Daj ngoy' tlhIngan
   The family of a Klingon warrior is responsible for his actions, and he is 
   responsible for theirs. (TKW)
 Gowron shouts {pevang!} in the KCD game and language lab.

{Da} "behave as, act in the manner of" has been used by Okrand thus:

 nepwI' Daba'
   He is obviously lying. (TKD 175)
 HaDlu'meH, QuSlu'meH, SuDlu'meH lojmIt Da logh Hop Hut tengchaH. vaj loghDaq 
 lenglaHtaH Humanpu' 
   space station Deep Space Nine is the gateway for the exploration, intrigue
   and enterprise that mark the continuation of the human adventure into
space ...
   (SkyBox DS99)
 yejquv DevwI' moj ghawran 'e' wuqta' cho' 'oDwI' Dapu'bogh janluq pIqarD HoD.
   Gowron ... named leader of the High Council by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who
   was acting as Arbiter of Succession. (SkyBox S25)


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