tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 11 18:01:50 1998

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Re: KLBC: tlhIHvaD jIlIH'egh

From: Qov <[email protected]>

>}Habbe' QuchDaj 'ach tlhIngan Quch rurbe'law'.
>}Her forehead isn't quite smooth, but doesn't seem quite...
>Your grammar is correct, but I'd translate it "... doesn't seem Klingon."
>For "doesn't seem quite Klingon" I'd say {tlhIngan Quch rurqu'be'law'}.  To
>the speaker's perception it {rurqu'be'} "doesn't really resemble" a Klingon

tlhIngan Quch rurbe'law'
I think it doesn't resemble a Klingon forehead.

tlhIngan Quch rurqu'be'law'
I think it doesn't RESEMBLE a Klingon forehead.
I think it doesn't very much resemble a Klingon forehead.

Are you unsure whether or not it resembles a Klingon forehead?  That's what
{-law'} indicates: that you're unsure it "doesn't resemble."

Or perhaps you ARE sure it doesn't look ENTIRELY Klingon?  That would be:

tlhIngan Quch rurchu'be'
It does not perfectly resemble a Klingon forehead.


loQ tlhIngan Quch rurbe'
It slightly does not resemble a Klingon forehead.

Stardate 98277.1

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