tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 10 18:19:58 1998

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Re: KLBC: "bicycle pump"

At 11:12 98-04-10 -0700, Voragh wrote:
}qeyyoH wrote:
}: ja'pu' ghunchu'wI':
}: >chay' "bicycle pump" mughlu'? :-)
}: leng HabmoHwI'	 trip smoother?
}: naQmoH gho 	         circle filler upper?
}Since this isn't really a grammar question, I'll risk Qov's wrath and
}venture a couple of other suggestions:
}     *<tyre> buy'moHwI'  ("tyre filler-upper")
}     *<tyre> tebwI'      ("tyre filler")
}     *muD lIchwI'   ("atmosphere pourer")
}     *SIp lIchwI'   ("gas pourer") 

not De' lI' Danobmo' jIQeHchoH, Voragh.  QaQ qechmeyvam.  {buy'} vIqelbe'pu'.

We of course have no way of knowing whether Klingons name the device used
for inflation of bicycle tires, if indeed they have ever had bicycles, as
something that is done to the gas or something done to the tire.  Maybe they
call it a {QIrIt} after the Klingon who invented it. :)

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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