tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 08 09:24:57 1998

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Re: pojwI'

According to Terrence Donnelly:
> At 03:55 PM 4/7/98 -0700, boSo' wrote:
> >does d'Armand Speers still post here and if so wheres this version four I
> >keep reading about????
> >
> Are you thinking of my program Kliflash (I just announced the posting of
> v.4)?  pojwI' and Kliflash are very different in purpose: pojwI' is 
> basically a look-up program (IIRC), while Kliflash is a vocabulary
> drill program.  Holtej wrote pojwI'; ter'eS wrote Kliflash.  If you're
> interested in Kliflash, you can find it on my website.

pojwI' deserves a little better description than that. Its
first function is to allow you to paste whole blocks of text
and have each of the words analyzed (hence, the name pojwI').
It figures out the root word and tries to use its definition in
combination with its affixes to describe what the word is
saying. Reading its output from this function is rather arcane,
but it is impressively accurate a good bit of the time.

It won't translate text well for someone who does not
understand the language, but it does save a lot of time for
those who do understand its syntax, but don't have much of the
vocabulary or affixes memorized.

It also will look up Klingon words to give the English
definition, or look up English words to give the Klingon
definition. This is the function I use most often.

The Help Facility also includes tables of noun suffixes, verb
suffixes and verb prefixes. For suitably equipped PCs, there is
also a pronunciation guide (sounds you can hear).

It also includes flash card drills, though your score depends
upon your honesty. Instead of asking you to type in an answer,
it just shows you the word (English or Klingon, depending on
which you tell it to show you), allowing you to decide when you
are ready. You then click a button and it shows you the answer
and asks you whether you got it right or not. That's where the
honesty comes in.

This is a feature I need to use more often. Vocabulary is my

ter'eS's program has many more options, since it was designed
specifically for the task of flash card drills, while the flash
cards built into pojwI' were added as an afterthought.

pojwI' does have all the tools you need to modify the lexicon.
You may correct its few errors and add new words as you wish.
It also has a comment field that, unfortunately, cannot be
viewed except in the editing mode for the lexicon. That's the
only complaint I have about the program. I'd like to see the
comments in other screens.

> -- ter'eS


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