tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 06 19:52:43 1998

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Re: I could use some help with a page...

>> >I am working on a Klingon Web Page, ...
>> >... Just as long as it's Klingon.

>... Please write it in English. I'm just begining to learn Klingon,
>... So Please, ENGLISH!!!

You said you wanted a "klingon" page; so I thought you knew klingon.

>> De'wI'ghom DaqwIjDaq tlhIngan Hol vIlo'
>> chaq qechmey Dunob      (pagh:  chaq SoHvaD qechmey nob)  ;P
>> nIvbe' DaqwIj  'ach Qu' ta'

"I used klingon for my web site.
Maybe it could give you some ideas.
It's not the best, but it serves its purpose."

But because you're just starting, you may feel a bit lost at my page; 
altho the pictures do a good job even if you can't read it.

> and I don't have the money to buy all of those fancy programs to help me!!! 

Well, you already said that you have the Klingon CD; there aren't any other
"fancy programs" out there to buy. Hmm... there are even any non-fancy
programs out there to BUY.  Three books, a couple tapes, and the CD.


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