tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 06 22:11:20 1998

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Re: I could use some help with a page...

At 18:35 98-04-06 -0700, Angela C. wrote:

}---TPO <[email protected]> wrote:
}> >I am working on a Klingon Web Page, but  I have no idea what to put
}> >it. If anybody has any ideas, please tell me. I don't care if it's
}> >links or useless Trivia!!! Just as long as it's Klingon.
}> >Qapla'
}> De'wI'ghom DaqwIjDaq tlhIngan Hol vIlo'
}> chaq qechmey Dunob      (pagh:  chaq SoHvaD qechmey nob)  ;P
}> nIvbe' DaqwIj  'ach Qu' ta'
}> DloraH
}Note for people who haven't sent anything yet: Please write it in
}English. I'm just begining to learn Klingon, and I don't have the
}money to buy all of those fancy programs to help me!!! I've only got a
}Klingon Phrase book(the name escapes me right now, the Klingon Way or
}something) and The Klingon CD-Rom. So Please, ENGLISH!!!

Note for those who don't know this yet:
naDev tlhIngan Hol wIlo' qoj tlhIngan Hol wIqel, vaj pabmeH tlhIngan Hol lo'

Translation: Here we either use Klingon or we discuss it, thus DloraH used
Klingon in order to follow the rules.

The most expensive Klingon learning tool produced to date is the CD ROM and
most don't have the money to buy that.  I know of two programs that can help
you learn, both available at no cost.  Mnay of us learned Klingon simply by
studying The Klingon Dictionary, probably this is the 'phrase book' you
have.   If not, it's the only investment you need make.  It's time, not
money you need to have.  

If you have questions about the language, or something to say in Klingon,
please post it here.  If you have questions or comments about Klingon fandom
or about Klingons in general, but not related to the language, please find
somewhere else to post them.  It's an important distinction. yaj'a'?  (Get it?)

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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