tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 05 11:05:42 1998

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Re: KLBC: qech ngo'

ja' Ben Stevens:
>In some languages the "idea of a sphere" would be written two different
>ways: the subjective one being "of" (the sphere is having an idea); and the
>objective one being "about" (i.e. "the idea about a sphere" which doesn't
>sound right in English).

There's no Klingon word that translates either "of" or "about".  The "of"
idea is carried by the syntax of the noun-noun construction, which usually
indicates possession:

  {moQ qech} "sphere's idea" or "idea of the sphere"

The "about" idea needs to be rephrased in order to be expressed clearly:

  {moQ qelbogh qech} "idea which considers a sphere"

-- ghunchu'wI'

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