tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Oct 20 18:32:41 1996

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KLBC:lut wa'DIch

I would like to have help with this story that I wrote in order to practice 
using the Klingon language.  I thought of it as a bedtime story for Klingon 
children.  I did use one English word in the story, so comments suggesting a 
way to eliminate that word would especially be appreciated.  

ben law' boghpa' QeylIS, puH'a'Daq yIn <torgh> joH qorDu'.
HoSghojbej qorDu' DevwI''a'.
wej puqloD Qup be'nal je ghaj <torgh> joH.  
pemDaq SoSchajvo' ghoj puQloDpu' quvchoHmeH loDpu'.
ramDaq qulDaq ba' qorDu' vavchaj paQDI'norgh lughojmeH.
batlh yIn qorDu'.
puHDaj mIp tIn tIv qorDu'.
yotlhDaq SoptaH Ha'DIbaHmey law'.
latlh yotlhDaq tIr naHmey je yoblI' toy'wI'pu' law'.
puHDaq bIQtIQ'a' tu'lu' 'ej yap bIQ.
'ach qo' che'be' chutmey 'ej quvbe' qo'.
HuDDaq <torgh> joH juH retlhDaq yIn <moratlh> joH.
puHDaj mach law' <torgh> puH mach puS.
qur <moratlh> joH 'ej <torgh> puH neH.  ghaH voqmeH <torgh>, <torgh> jup Da 
reH tay' <moratlh> <torg> je.
wam, Sop 'ej tlhutlh.
wa' jaj be'nalDaj ra' <torgh> joH, "mara, bangwI', 'uQvad <moratlh> 
SuvwI'pu'Daj je yItlhob."
SIbI' jang <mara>, "lu', joHwI'.  jupna'lI' mo', Quch jIH 'ej nom jIruch."
<moratlh>vaD ghItlhta' <mara> 'ej <moratlh>vaD toy'wI' ngeH.
toy'wI'vaD jang <moratlh," joHlI' yIja' jIghoSqang.  HIq jIqem."
lopno'vaD nay'mey law' vut <mara> toy'wI'Daj je.
<torgh> jup quvmoHmeH, repmey law'  vum  <mara>.
nom paw lopno' jaj; rIn Hoch.
weQmeymo' wov vaS tIn 'ej Say' vaS tIn.
tugh paw <moratlh> SuvwI'Daj je.
"nuqneH," jatlh <torgh>.
"maghom 'e' vIQuchbej," jang <moratlh>.
"vaSmaj pe'el 'ej peSop," mon <mara>.
ba' Hoch 'ej nay'mey law' Sop: bIreQtagh, targh tIq, gargh, gurgh.
HIvje'Daj pepqa'lI' <moratlh>, <toasts> law' jatlhtaHvIS ghaH.
tlhutlh <torgh > SuvwI'Daj je.
tlhutlhbe'bogh <moratlh> SuvwI'Daj je tu' <mara>.  tu'be' <torgh>.
bItchoH ghaH.
jatlh <mara>, "<torgh> joH, bItlhuth 'e' yImev."
jach <torgh>," mebma'vaD Doch ghaH.  pa'lIj yighoS."
QaghDaj yaj <mara>.  "<moratlh>vaD jItlhIj. HIchaw' 'e' jIratlh."
"HIlobHa'Qo', <mara>, qoH soH!"
vaS tlhed <mara> 'ach <torgh> lobbe' ghaH.
DaH voqHa' <moratlh>.
puqpu'Daj vemmoH <mara> 'ej chaH So'meH, wutlh ghoS.
HIq tlhutlhtaHmo' <torgh> SuvwI'Daj je, chechchoH chaH  'ej QongchoH chaH.
'ach ja' <moratlh>, "maQongchoH neghwI' jIH je."
"vaj Hoch peratlhnIS," jang <torgh>.
juHDaq Qong Hoch 'ach <mara> Qongbe' ghaH.
QongDaqDaq SoS taj tlhapta'. 
loDnalDaj ratlhDaq Qot <mara>.  
Qub ghaH, "qoH jIHbe'.  loDnalDaj vIbejnIS 'ej  vIQannIS."
ramDaq jajlo' loS <mara>.
Qongbe' je <moratlh> neghwI' je.  tamDI' Hoch, vaj vIH chaH.
chuS qamDu'chaj 'ej Qoy <mara>.  SI'bI' joHwI' jatlh <mara>,"yivem, yivem!"
'ach chechmo' <torgh>, QongtaH.
'ugh loDnalDaj 'ej ghaH vIHmoHlaHbe'.
pa'chaj 'el cha' loDpu', <moratlh> mang je.
tajmeychaj lel  maSwovDaq bochbogh tajmey.
tajmeychaj pep <mara> joHwI'Daj je HoHmeH.
"ghoDoH," jach <mara>.  Qoyqo' SuvwI'pu'.
batlhHa' HIgh 'ej <torgh> luHoH QongvIS.
pe'vIl Suv <mara> 'ach HoSqu' SuvwI'pu'.
tugh luHoH.  Haw'nIS.  puqloDchaj toD <mara> neH. 
<moratlh> rIQmoH 'ej chaHvo' nargh <mara>.
puqloDDaj nej <mara>, 'ach puqloD HoHta' SuvwI'pu'.
vIH chaH 'e' pemev.  'IwchajDaq Qot puqloDDaj.
ngemDaq So' <mara>.  ghaH nej SuvwIpu' 'ach SamlaHbe'.
juHDaq Hegh Hoch.  puQloDpu', toy'wI'pu' matlh, SuvwI'pu' matlh, <torgh> je 
HoHta' <moratlh> SuvwI'pu'Daj je.  Dat Qot 'Iw Hum QaDHa'.
<torgh> puH juH je tlhap <moratlh>.
ruv tu'lu'be' chutmey tu'lu'be'mo'.
ngemDaq So'taHvIS, bortaS 'Ip'e' 'Ipqu' <mara>.
HeghDI' <moratlh>, leS ghaH.
toy'wI' jech'egh. <moratlh> juHDaq vum <mrara>.
wa' Hogh qaStaHvIS loS 'ej loS.  bortaSDaj buStaH <mara>.
wa' ram chechDI'qu' <moratlh>, pa'Daq 'el <mara>.  QongtaH <moratlh>.
SoS tajDaj lel <mara>.  <moratlh> HoHpa', <moratlh> venmoH HoHwI'Daj mInDu' 
leghmeH ghaH.
vaj nom HughDaj SIj <mara>.
tlhuHDaj Qav tu' <mara>.
Dat QongDaqDaq 'Iw Hum QaDHa' .
chIm <moratlh> mInDu' 'ej wuvchu' <mara> mInDu'.
bortaSDaj ghajqu' <mara>.
<torgh> tuqDaq batlh cheghlu'.

Many years ago, before Kayless was born, Lord Torg's family lived on a 
magnificent land.  The head of the family was certainly powerful.  Lord Torg 
had three sons and a wife.  In the day the sons learn to be honorable men from 
their mother.  At night the family sat by the fire learning their father's 
teachings.  The family lived honorably.  

The family enjoyed the large and rich land.  Many animals ate (grazed) in the 
field.  Many servants were harvesting grain and vegetables in another field.  
A great river was on the land and there was enough water.  But lawlessness 
ruled the world and the world was without honor.

Lord Morath lived near Lord Torg's home on a mountain.  His land was smaller 
than Lord Torg's.  Lord Morath was greedy and wanted Torg's land.  Morath 
behaved as Torg's friend in order that Torg would trust him.  Morath and Torg 
were always together.  They hunted, ate and drank.  

One day Lord Torg ordered his wife," Mara, my love, ask Morath and his 
warriors for dinner."  Immediately Mara replied,"I will do it, my lord.  
Because he is your true friend, I am happy and I will do it quickly.  She 
wrote to Morath and she sent a servant to him.  Morath said to the servant, 
"Tell your lord I am willling to come and I will bring the drink."

Mara and her servants cooked many dishes for the party.  Mara worked many 
hours to honor Torg's friend.  Quickly the day of the party arrived; all was 
ready.  The assembly hall was bright with candles and was clean.  Soon Morath 
and his warriors arrived.

Torg said, "How are you?"
"I am certainly happy that we meet," replied Morath.
"Enter our hall and eat," smiled Mara.  Everyone sat and ate many courses:  
bregit lung, targ's heart, gagh.  Morath kept raising his glass while making 
many toasts.  Torg and his warriors drank.  Mara noticed that Morath and his 
soldiers didn't drink.  Torg did not noticed this.  She became uneasy.  

Mara said, "Lord Torg, stop drinking."
Torg yells, "You are rude to our guest.  Go to your room!"  Mara understood 
her mistake.  "I apologize to Morath.  Permit me to stay."
"Do not disobey me, Mara.  You are a fool."  Mara left the hall, but she did 
not obey Torg.  She did not trust Morath now.  She woke up her children and 
hid them in the cellar (Underground was the closest word I could find).

Because the Torg and his soldiers continue to drink, they become drunk and 
sleepy.  But Morath said, "My soldiers and I are becoming sleepy."
"Then everyone must stay," replied Torg.

Everyone in the house slept, but Mara did not sleep.  She took her knife into 
bed.  She lay down next to her husband.  She thought, "I am not a fool.  I 
must watch over and protect my husband."  In the night Mara waited for the 

Morath and his soldiers didn't sleep either.  When all was quiet, then they 
sprang into action.    Mara heard the noise from their feet.  Immediately she 
said to her lord, "Wake up, wake up!"  But because he was drunk, Torg 
continued to sleep.  Her husband was heavy and she could not move him.

Two men, Morath and a soldier, entered their room.  They took out their knives 
that shone in the moonlight.  They raised their knives to kill Mara and her 
lord.  "Get awau from us." cried Mara.  The warriors refused to listen.  They 
fought without honor and killed Torg while he slept.  Mara fought forcefully, 
but the warriors were very strong.  Soon they will kill her.  She must run.  
She wanted to rescue her children.  She injured Morath and escaped from him.  
Mara looked for her sons, but they were killed by the warriors. They ceased to 
move.  They lay in their blood. 

Mara hid in the woods.  The soldiers looked for her, but they could not find 
her.  Everyone in the house was dead.  Morath and his warriors killed sons, 
loyal servants, loyal warriors and Torg.  Wet and sticky blood lay everywhere. 
 (I wanted the image of blood flowing everywhere, so help please.)  

Morath took Torg's land and house.  There was no justice because there were no 
laws.  While hiding in the woods, Mara swore an oath of revenge.  When Morath 
will be dead, she will rest.  She disquised herself as a servant.  Mara worked 
in Morath's house.  For one week she waited and she waited.  She concentrated 
on her revenge.  One night when Morath was drunk, Mara entered his room.  
Morath was sleeping.  Mara took out her knife.  Before she killed Morath, she 
woke him so that he could see the eyes of his killer.  Then quickly Mara slit 
his throat.  Mara watched him take his final breath.  Everywhere in the bed, 
there was wet and sticky blood.  Morath's eyes were empty, but Mara's eyes 
were bright ( I wanted dull, but I didn't think the word we have for dull 
would be correct because it meant boring, comments please).  Mara definitely 
had her revenge.  Honor was restored to the house of Torg.

rIn.  pab pelughmoH.  Satlho'.


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