tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Feb 23 18:09:26 1996

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Re: Paramount: tlhIngan Hol qab wIghItlh 'ach maQaQ

janSIy writes:
>As far as I can tell, there is no way to say "The infinite number of" in
>Klingon.  May I suggest saying "mughato' Hoch".

yapbe' mughato' Hoch.  mughato' Hoch mughato' latlh je vIqel.
mughato'mey vIqelbogh law' law' mughato' Hoch law' puS.

>Or, since the point you
>really want to make is that any mugato can say something in Klingon better
>than Paramount, I would just say,
>mughato' tlhIngan Hol QaQ law' Paramount tlhIngan Hol QaQ puS

ghobe'.  ghItlhtaH mughato' Hoch'a' latlh je 'e' vIDel.
chaq Paramount ghItlh QaQ law' wa' mughato' ghItlh QaQ puS.
DIch vIghajbe' 'ach DuHbej DuHvam.

>or if their ability to write is important to you, maybe we can assume you
>mean "in Klingon" since we are writing in Klingon...
>mughato' ghItlhlaHghach QaQ law' Paramount ghItlhlaHghach QaQ puS

majQa' -- <ghItlhlaHghach> vIparHa'.  qatlho'.

mughato' Hoch'a' ghItlhlaHghach QaQ law' Paramount ghItlhlaHghachqoq QaQ puS.

I'm afraid that too much of what I'm thinking depends on the context of
an "infinite number of monkeys" typing at random and eventually producing
the complete works of Shakespeare.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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