tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 23 15:31:09 1996

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Re: KLBC: best & worst, WAS mu'thlheghmeywIj chorghDIch vImugh

At 07:55 PM 12/22/96 -0800, you wrote:
>I appear to be suffering a relapse of the urge to nominalize everything. The
>problem is, there are so few adverbs in Klingon, you almost _must_ use nouns
>to get around it. Does anyone have suggestions? My worst problems are with
>things like "best" and "worst."
>If I wanted to say "He is the best fighter." :
>SuvmeH ghaH QaQ law' Hoch QaQ puS
>and conversely for "He is the worst fighter":
>SuvmeH Hoch QaQ law' ghaH QaQ puS
>or is there a much simpler way of stating the ideas of "better" and "worse"?

Actually, I was talking about best and worst as adverbs. In other words, "He
fights the best." You had the right idea . . . I would change that to "He is
the best fighter," but this gets hard when you have verbs that don't have
such ready nouns. Take "He who laughs last laughs best." - nIv HaghwI' Qav -
This works, but I think it loses the whole repetitive nature of the
sentence. Of course, I just realized you could do - HaghwI' nIvqu' 'oH
HaghwI' Qav'e' - or is it HaghwI''e' Qav?


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