tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 30 04:05:43 1996

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KLBC: jIyajbe'


I am having a problem with a few certain verb suffixes, specifically the
ones that turn a verb into a noun.

I don't have a problem with <wI'> which means "thing which does" or "one
which does".

What about <ghach>?  I have seen some confusion on when and how this
can/should be used.  According to my TKD, it would appear that it can only
be used when the verb has a suffix. ie:  <naDHa'ghach> for
"discommendation".  Does this mean that it is equivalent to putting "-tion"
in English?  What do I do when I need a noun which is roughly "thing which
is", such as when I was working on computer terms and wanted a word for a
"program".  I had <ghun> as a verb for "to program", but needed it to be a
noun.  According to TKD, and what I've seen here <ghunghach> is illegal.

<HIQaH!>  (Help Me!)

Perry J. Brulotte
loghDaq Suvrupbogh SuvwI'pu' chaH Hoch SuvwI'pu''e'.
[email protected]

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