tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 28 08:07:53 1996

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Re: translation of "nonbeliever"

In message <v01520d00ae4963dee912@[]> [email protected] write
> {HarHa'wI'} "one who disbelieves", i.e. who actively believes something
> other than what a "believer" believes.
> ghunchu'wI' (Alan Anderson, professional programmer and amateur Klingonist)
As you may recall, I've always been somewhat confused about
how you (anyone) use {-Ha'}. This confuses me even more :-(

I could see {HarHa'} to mean either "he doesn't believe anymore"
or "she believes in a wrong way", but you seem to interpret it as
"it does not believe what I believe". 

Hmm, I just realized that the distinction between the "she"-sentence
and the "it"-sentence may not come across... what I meant is
like although she believes in the same things I do, she doesn't do
it in the right manner, like e.g. I as a protestant might call
a catholic a {HarHa'wI'}, while I might call practitioners of
non-christian religions {Harbe'wI'} or {HarQo'wI'}.

(note: I don't - as far as I'm concerned, I won't call anybody
any of these things.


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