tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 28 08:57:14 1996

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Re: translation of "nonbeliever"

ghItlh ghunchu'wI':
> {HarHa'wI'} "one who disbelieves", i.e. who actively believes something
> other than what a "believer" believes.

jang [email protected]:
> As you may recall, I've always been somewhat confused about
> how you (anyone) use {-Ha'}. This confuses me even more :-(
> I could see {HarHa'} to mean either "he doesn't believe anymore"
> or "she believes in a wrong way", but you seem to interpret it as
> "it does not believe what I believe". 

vaDDaj nob taDI'oS:
If, as I gather, we are discussing Bible translation, I think that the best
translation would be <Harbe'wI'>.  There are no grammatical subtleties in the
original Greek that would identify the unbeliever (apisteuwn) as one who
believes differently, or incorrectly, or refuses to believe, or any of these.
The subtleties are in the contexts of the individual verses, and the same word
is used for "unbeliever" throughout.

taDI'oS vIq, law'wI'pu'vaD Holtej jIH
|  Thaddaeus A. Vick, Linguist to the Masses   | mailto: [email protected]  -or-  |
|                                              |         [email protected]     |
|  gules, on a saltire argent voided azure,    |                              |
|  thirteen mullets of the second. Yeeha.      |   |

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