tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Aug 25 08:43:34 1996

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Since it is alledgedly in the charter, I was wondering if there is a KLI 
transliteration of the klingonaase words from "The Final Reflection" (or 
at least a respectable one, if not KLI).  I have seen a lot of one-word 
transliterations or partial lists (some of which contradict themselves or 
others), but I'm wondering if there is a full listing.  For example, I've 
seen the following, at least:

	{qomereQ} = komerex
	{HeStereQ} = khesterex (but I've also seen {qest'reQ} = khesterex 
[don't like this one, due to the apostrophe between two consonants]).
	{ghI'dayIt} = g'dayt
	{tlhIngana'S} = klingonaase ({-a'S} = -aase?)
	{qay} = kai (but I've also seen {qaI'} = kai)

So, does anyone have a more definite (or more official) transliteration? 
 If not, might one have a set off concrete rules for making such phonetic 


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