tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 23 16:58:18 1996

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Re: KLBC: Back from qep'a with questions

On Sat, 17 Aug 1996 02:37:43 -0700 Eskil Heyn Olsen 
<[email protected]> wrote:

> I was trying to translate "This is the first time I see a ferengi",
> and avoiding using "poH wa'DIch" after seeing the discussion. Came up
> with {DaH verengan vIlegh 'e' qaSbe'pu'} hopefully meaning "Now I see
> a ferengi, that has not happened before" (this ofcourse refers to the 
> salesman at the qep'a' with the band-aids {naghHom ram 'oH yabDaj}).

I'm surprised nobody pointed out that for this particular 
sentence, Klingon has a special verb which makes it all VERY 

verenganvam vIqIHpa' latlh vIqIHpu'be'. "Before I met (for the 
first time) this Ferengi, I had not met (for the first time) 
another one."
> How would one use say a thing is fast/slow ? The words for these
> concepts are adverbs, so I would guess that {nom puv targhwIj} would
> say "my targh flies fast" (pigs in space?), but what in a {law'/puS}
> construction ? 

There are still recastings that work for this.

nom jaHlaHbej DujlIj 'ach nom jaHqu'bej DujwIj!

In fact, you can be more specific about the speed of each ship 
instead of being restricted to commenting on the simple 
comparison. "My sea turtle is faster than your sea turtle," and 
"My triple-A fuel dragster is faster than your triple-A fuel 
dragster," offers less information about the actual speed of the 
compared items. The {law'/puS} comparison you seek would offer 
less information than the recasting I suggest.
> And btw, will anyone accept {jIHaw'meH Duj'e' vIlota' nIHlu'} as
> "someone has stolen the ship in which I fled" (yes, back to the
> shipinwhichifled).

No. You have two main verbs (one of which is mispelled) and the 
{-'e'} has no reason to be there. Meanwhile, I suppose it could 
have been {jIHaw'meH Duj vIlo'ta'bogh nIHlu'.} Meanwhile, that 
dodges "the ship in which I fled" by recasting it as "the ship 
which I used."

> DaH rIn jabbI'ID

> +----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
> | Eskil Heyn Olsen     |This signature (send money) contains no (send money) |
> |[email protected]|     subliminal (send money) messages (send money).  |
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