tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 22 18:06:05 1996

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"grape" in the Gospel of Mark was: Word borrowing in Klingon

On Mon, 05 Aug 1996 Nick Nicholas <[email protected]> wrote:

>In Digest 603, Anthony Appleyard asked:

>>In the two big English to Klingon translation projects that I have heard of
>>(Hamlet, and parts of the Bible), how often were the translators stuck for a
>>translation of a word and had to resort to inserting the English word in
>><angle brackets> or however they represented it?

>In _Hamlet_, never --- but that was largely because we deliberately gave
>_Hamlet_ a Klingon setting. (In _Much Ado_, I had to do so once, for 'picture';
>I use *Hologhram* --- which I think is a plausible loan.) In _The Gospel
>according to Mark_, rather more often, because I did not avail myself of the
>option of a Klingon setting. Loanwords include 'camel', 'locust', 'honey,
>'grape' (for *'grape' HIq*, 'wine'), and so on.

Despite the translator's opinion  the last information isn't true enough.
In fact I have checked the whole online KLI version of the Gospel according to
Mark in Nick's translation and I find no loanword for "grape".
(Maybe Nick has it still in his papers for the promised corrected
translation? :-) ).

"Wine" is always translated as "HIq" alone. I have checked all locations
of "HIq" and I have searched for all the possible renderings for "grape" that
had come to my mind: (*'Ighrey'pu*, *ghIreype*, *ghe'reypI* etc.). I have
checked KJV for: wine, vine, grape.


The word "grape" does not appear in KJV at all.

wine - HIq (2,22; "12,1"; 15,23)
wine mingled with myrrh - noSvagh ngaSbogh HIq'e' (15,23)

vine - HIqnaH ("12,1"; 14,25)
fruit of the vine - HIqnaH tI naH (14,25)

vineyard - HIqnaH yotlh (12,1), yotlh (12,2; 12,8; 12,9)
winefat - HIq 'uymeH lam lel (12,1)

vinegar - HIq wIb (15,36)

Two (three) famous quotations with wine:

1. No man putteth new wine into old bottles - ngaSbogh DIr ngo'Daq HIq chu'
lan pagh (2,22)

1a. New wine must be put into new bottles - ngaSbogh DIr chu'Daq HIq chu'
lannISlu' (2,22)

2. I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine - not HIqnaH tI naHvo'
jItlhutlh (14,25)

Remember (some of you, at least Jarno (peSHIr) that before my accident
I have promised a list of names in the Gospel.
It is ready and coming in my next posting.


macheq noychoH jemtoQ

Lasciate ogni speranza voi qu'entrate ...

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