tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 21 16:20:50 1996

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Re: canon WAS Re: KSRP: Klingon animals

On Thu, 8 Aug 1996 18:24:35 -0700 Joel Anderson 
<[email protected]> wrote:
> There is no sense in being obtuse - clearly I meant in
> written discourse.  I was and am arguing for the use of words
> from deuterocanon sources such as Kahless, the novel.
> When I, or anyone, chooses to use such vocabulary in
> conversation or writing the source, if other than the TKD
> should be cited - yes it is easier in text.  OTOH in
> conversation (not that I live in a thriving Klingon community)
> I imagine a lot of "nuqjatlh" responses, and pantomime or 
> slipping into DIvI' Hol.   jISaHbe'.....

Face it. We don't even know how to PRONOUNCE these 
non-Okrandian mu'meyqoq. Why the facination for these 
useless syllables? They are not used in anything like 
complete sentences. They do not use anything like romanized 
Klingon spellings. There is no pronunciation guide.

I can see how one who has little interest in actually 
speaking Klingon could find them equally valuable to all 
the Okrandian words which such a person may never actually 
use, but if you have a real interest in expressing thoughts 
in the language, these extra words are useless. Most of 
them are pseudonouns scattered among English sentences 
because the authors of the books wanted to sound like their 
characters could speak Klingon even though the authors 
never bothered to learn how. 

And that's why the vast majority of those who HAVE bothered 
to learn how to speak the language find these words 
outright offensive, be they from Paramount or not.


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