tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 21 09:23:06 1996

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Re: Punctuation


>Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 15:15:07 -0700
>From: "Perry J. Brulotte" <[email protected]>

>On this list I see people enclosing words in differen punctuation such as
>asterisks (*), slashes (/), and (<>).  Is there some 'official' use of
>these symbols in tlhIngan Hol.  If so, can someone define them for me?

>I seem to see * surrounding Terran terms inserted into Hol, often.  I also
>see inconsistent use of commas (,).

I think someone explained this already, and it's more or less right.  The
basic deal is that we want SOME way to flag non-Klingon (or non-canon)
words in Klingon text so people don't try to look them up or get otherwise
confused.  The precise symbol(s) you use aren't quite so important; I doubt
I'm even consistent in my own writing.  It's sometimes useful to make a
further distinction of when you're transliterating into tlhIngan-Hol
orthography and when you're not even doing that.  Just so long as you let
people know when you're using a word they shouldn't try to look up.

As to commas, we have canon evidence that we can use them more or less as
in English for punctuation (after all, this whole writing system is only a
Terran convention for representing Klingon, there's no reason we can't make
some simplifications to our convention for our own convenience [*provided*
we can do in a unified manner, and that means canon.  Which is why I do not
support changing the orthography to get rid of those uppercase characters,

>choQaHchugh, vItlho'.

'Iv Datlho'?


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