tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 20 02:04:14 1996

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As someone said, TKD's "{lI'} = transmit data to a place"; {lab} = transmit
data from a place" is very unclear, as all transmissions are from somewhere.
Admittedly not all transmissions are "to a place" (= intended for a particular
recipient), as some are broadcast to everybody in the area. In these days of
remote control devices, the person transmitting could be at the transmitting
site, or at a receiving site, or at neither. What canon examples are there of
use of these two verbs? The homophony {lI'} = "transmit data to a place" and
also "be useful" smells to me of yet another strained retro-fit. Until canon
examples tell me otherwise, I will be tempted to use {lI'} = "be useful" and
{lab} = "transmit". Do canon examples show any evidence that Marc Okrand
intended {lI'} = "upload" and {lab} = "download" as in our FTP and WWW?

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