tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Aug 17 08:46:33 1996

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Re: indicating age

>Just trying to catch up on things. 
>In "Power Klingon", Two Century old wine is translated as <<cha' vatlh DIS
>ben HIq.>> Which is literally "200 years ago wine".  The usage then means
>years old.  

Ah!  So there is canon on indicating age!  Thank you!
toH!  vaj "canon" tu'lu'!  qatlho'!
BTW I think it was {cha'vatlh ben HIq}, no {DIS}.

>Following from this example then couldn't we say:  
>vagh ben ghaH puq'e' (The child is five years old.) 
How about {vagh ben puq ghaH}?  It follows more closely the number-{ben}-noun

>loSmaH ben jIH (I am fourty years old.)
Same.  How about {loSmaH ben loD/be' jIH}?  {loSmaH ben jIH} would seem 
to translate as {I am forty years ago} which doesn't make much sense to me.

Thanks once again for that canon example to indicate age.  I was sure it 
existed but couldn't remember what it was. :)

 dave yeung 
{toD Duj 'oH toDuj'e'}
Courage is a ship to the rescue

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