tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 13 15:18:56 1996

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Re: tlhIngan Hol chu' jIH

>> Perhaps I should have stressed it as "batlh jIH'e' choghItlhchugh".

> It still means "If you write to ME honorably."  "batlh" as an adverbial
> means the sentence happens "honorably."  "I would be honored if you would
> write to me" is "choghItlhchugh, jIquv" (well, tughItlhchugh, actually) or
> "jIquv choghItlhchugh," etc.  "batlh" isn't a verb for "to be honored";
> that's "quv" and it has to be treated as a verb.

Doesn't {HIghItlhneS} express roughly the same idea?  That is, it says
something like "Do me the honor of writing to me", which seems very similar.

| Daniel Noll, Truth Seeker               |
| [email protected]             |
|   |
| pagh yIvoq                              |

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