tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 12 14:08:29 1996

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Re: PK opening scene question

qaSDI' 96-08-12 08:18:53 EDT, jatlh marqoS:

["Power Klingon" ghu' wa'DIch DellI']

>  tera'ngan:	bISaHbe'?  qatlh vIjatlh(1)?  chaq SoHvo' vay' vIje' vIneH!

I believe (after just listening to it now) that he says {qatlh bIjatlh}, for
"Why do you say that?"  If true, then it means that {jatlh} would never use
{'e'} as an object, even when spanning sentences.  It might also indicate
that {jatlh} can be used with indirect quotes.  And finally, it gives a bit
of confirmation to my ideas on how verbs of speaking work (yes, I know I keep
going on about this).

>  tlhIngan:	tugh.  Su'.  bIje'be'chugh, vaj bIHegh.  quvwIj DatIchpu',
>  		tera'ngan.  bIyIntaH 'e' ?????(2)

Actually, he said {SSS} (more or less), but this is apparently just a
corruption of {Su'}.

Some people asked Marc Okrand about this sentence at the qep'a', but we
couldn't get him to remember the scene.  It seems that no one knows what the
Klingon said!

>  tera'ngan:	yIjotmoH!(3)

He definitely says {yIjotchoH}.
>  tera'ngan:	<drawing phaser>  Dochvetlh yItlhap!

Yes, this line is pretty bad.  It obviously should be {vItlhap}, and the
pronunciation is terrible.

Stardate 96615.6

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