tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 12 15:56:46 1996

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Re: 'e' and all that rot...

ghItlh "pagh":
> yIqel:
> jIboghDI' Human jIH, 'ach tlhIngan jIH 'e' vIwIv

This is ok, as were all the similar examples before it. But it lacks the kick of the 
original. The parallelism seems to have vacated. Strangely this happens every time we 
translate bumper stickers. Go figure.

Human, jIboghmo'; tlhIngan, jIwIvmo'.

I still don't like it, but no matter, because Klingons I'm sure find time to invent 
their own terser phraseology. I also wondered, even tho "Human" is definitely borrowed 
from Fed Standard, if maybe it really means "human" in the sense of "[any] entity with 
a soul, sentient, characterized by certain 'human' virtues and whims". After all, are 
all tera'ngan also Human and v.v.? I could see within the pudgier arena of Klingon 
intellectualism some Klingon-perceived agnostic (heretic?) using a derived aphorism 
like "Human bIH neH Hoch mIwmeywIj'e'." Or worse, if not an agnostic, an EVANGELIST!

Upon first notice of a bumper sticker in Klingon, one Klingon reportedly mused, "Oh, 
Terrans tattoo their CARS." And few of them tolerate Anglicism engraved on their 


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