tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 12 12:24:16 1996

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translation help

How would one translate:
"When in Rome do as the Romans do."
(Okay, let's use {romuluS} instead of Rome to make it more Trekkie :) )

I came up with:
{romuluSDaq romuluSnganpu' tIDa}

I have several questions:

1. Do you need {romuluSDaq _SoHtaHvIS_...}?  Or is that extraneous?

2. Can you use {tI-} on {Da}?  You are telling ONE person to act like
   a GROUP of people.  Or would I have to make Romulans singular, i.e.
   {romuluSDaq [SoHtaHvIS] romuluSngan yIDa}
   "When (you are) on Romulus, act like a Romulan!"


 dave yeung 
{toD Duj 'oH toDuj'e'}
Courage is a ship to the rescue

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