tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 05 04:24:36 1996

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tu'lu' with plurals

I seem to recall seeing someone recently, perhaps in one of the SkyBox analyses,
pointing out a missing {lu-} on a {tu'lu'} construct.  I was rereading TKD
and noticed that in 4.2.5, where it talks about the {tu'lu'} idiom,
it explicitly says that it takes a third-person *singular* subject pronoun
(0).  And the one example provided is {naDev puqpu' tu'lu'} -
not, as one might expect, {naDev puqpu' lutlu'lu'}.  From this I infer
that {tu'lu'} is a special case that doesn't take the {lu-} prefix.

On the other hand, it could just be another instance of Okrand's notes 
not being updated when he made changes that impact them elsewhere . . .
or even a typo.  It's not like there aren't other errors in the examples
({lujpu' jIH} for "I have failed" - note the missing {jI-} - appears
twice in 3.3.5.  Perhaps we could convince Dr. Okrand to make an errata
sheet available somewhence?)

Opinions?  Should plural {tu'lu'} be added to the list of questions for
the next interview?


Mark J. Reed                     |             
Email: [email protected]	         |  HP Internet/System Security Lab
Voice: +1 404 648 9535           |      2957 Clairmont Rd Suite 220
Fax  : +1 404 648 9516           |        Atlanta GA 30329-1647 USA

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