tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 01 17:49:49 1996

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Re: Skybox season five klingon cards


>  > In fact, is there any other example written by Marc Okrand in
>  > which he uses an adverbial with an {'e'} sentence (besides Captain
>  > {reH DIvI' Duj vISuv vIneH} in ST:V, which isn't quite the same thing)

'ej qaSDI' 96-08-01 11:43:45 EDT, jatlh dave yeung:

>  I don't have my TKD with me at the moment, but I seem to recall a 
>  {HaqwI''e' DaH yISam} (it may have been Qel instead of HaqwI') in the 
>  Addendum.  Or is the suffix {-'e'} different from {'e'}?  I also seem to 
>  recall it saying something to the effect that adverbials can come after 
>  {'e'} in the same section.  I'll check when I find my TKD.

The {-'e'} suffix is very different from the word {'e'}.  {-'e'} is a noun
topicalizer or emphasizer (depending on where you look), which {'e'} is a
pronoun used to represent the previous sentence.

The sentence you are remembering is on p.180.  It was "mis-written" as

~ HaqwI' 'e' DaH yISam

but it should read

HaqwI''e' DaH yISam.

As the explanation goes, "The adverbial may actually follow the object noun
(but still precede the verb) when the noun is topicalized by means of the
noun suffix {-'e'}."

However, as someone pointed out, one might try to consider the WORD {'e'} as
an object noun, and topicalize it: ~{'e''e'}.  This would seem to let you put
the adverbial after it.  The idea has merit, but since this is an optional
way of doing things (and I, too, don't know if {'e''e'} is a legal word), I'd
keep away from it.  It's no more certain to be correct than ADV-'e'-VERB-SUBJ

Stardate 96585.7

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