tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 01 13:21:44 1996

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qep'a' highlights (okay, *last* one, guys)

>From Eric:

>>yIbepQo'!  yIghoj!  tlhIngan Hol DaghItlhmeH jabbI'IDghomvam Dalo'laHmo'

Whoa, there, Eric.  Your leaping assumption may not quite clear the reality
(To think this all started with a simple post asking for some info)

First off, I want to apologize for starting this topic string.  I really had no
idea it would go to this extent.

Second, I have no clue what's been posted over the past day or so, since I
didn't receive digests 612 & 613.  I can get the gist of what Alan had to say,
however, through Lawrence's post.  It sounds like Alan made some assumptions
that weren't correct concerning my post, and I know that I certainly assigned
some motives to his post. 

(I have to assume as well that someone else posted something about elitism,
since that was certainly wasn't in my message.)

I greatly respect our humble grammarians (you've helped me a great deal in the
past, though mostly through others), and I was by no means debating that part of
it.  Just debating the information end of things and the perception I felt it
was creating.

Can I go home now?

Dave S.

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