tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jun 24 23:12:03 1995

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Re: "It was raining hard"

>bIqar wej 'e' chopon.  You haven't really demonstrated this.
>When I was a {chu'wI'} on this list, I said something similar:
>"There isn't much challenge in saying {Hiq SuD}."  Except that
>what I meant was "The liquor is green" and what I actually said
>was "green liquor" -- I had the word order wrong.  Later on, I
>was consistently using incorrect verb prefixes.
>jIDubmeH mu'tlheghmey nap vIchenmoH 'ej ghomvamDaq mu'meywIj vIlI'.
>mu'meywIj laD pabpo'pu' latlh je 'ej mulughmoH.
>The way I got better was to write (NOT translate) simple sentences
>and post my attempts to this list for comment and correction.
>> I may be trying to skip the intermediate and jump to advance
>> (which I tend to do with alot of stuff)
>mu'tlheghmey nap tIlo'taH vIjatlhqa'.  QIt Dub po'lIj.  yIraDQo'.
>Again, I urge you: start simple.  STAY simple.  You'll get better
>at it gradually -- don't force it.
 well, as long as everyone is willing to help me (which everyone has shown 
that that are) correct my mistakes, I'll keep at it. It's hard for me to 
make stuff up but I can wing it. 

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